A Day in the Life of OPCC
2013 is the 50th anniversary of Ocean Park Community Center in Santa Monica. Pretty amazing that they have been providing services to the homeless, mentally ill, and victims of domestic abuse for five decades. To help celebrate OPCC and promote their cause, OPCC put together a group of photographers and writers to document all of their programs in one day. I was lucky enough to be selected as one of these photographers and got a chance to spend the day photographing two of the projects. The first one was the Access Center which is the first point of contact for people coming off the street for services. This includes shower, laundry, and locker usage and different meals throughout the day. I was paired up with a writer and we interviewed and photographed many of the people coming in for services. In addition to doing a good thing for a great organization, it was also a wonderful exercise for me to break out of my photographic comfort zone and try something very new.