Blue Lake

Here are my photographs from a wonderful little overnight backpacking trip my wife and I recently did. The hike took us from Lake Sabring (outside of Bishop, CA) up to Blue Lake at 10,400′ elevation. About a half hour in, the clouds started to get a bit darker ahead. As they blew east over us, we were welcomed to the Sierras with what started as drizzle but turned into a nice little rain storm. Thankfully I had grabbed our rain jackets, but I didn’t bring any pack covers. I ended up using my rain jacket to cover my pack, and our only big trash bag to cover my wife’s pack. The rain came and went throughout most of the hike, but it did keep the temperatures down. As usual I over packed and carried a 65lb pack, but it was still a great hike in.

We found a wonderful campsite a little ways to the right just after you reach the lake. The campsite was really perfect being sheltered by trees and some taller rocks and containing a perfect flat area for the tent. There was also a water source just around the corner (the outlet stream of the lake) and plenty of perfect rock seats all around. It was also a stone’s throw from a beautiful bluff that overlooked a valley and off to the opposing mountains where the sun was soon to blow us away with an amazing sunset. Photo number 3 shows our tent and the view around us.

After dinner, the sun started setting and the clouds couldn’t have been more perfect. We were treated to a really spectacular example of a high sierras sunset that lasted plenty long enough for an extended photo shoot as well as time to sit and enjoy it. A great way to top off our wet hike in.

The next morning we explored the lake a bit taking photos. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of the wonderful shapes that granite makes.

During the last few trips, I’ve been really enjoying shooting super wide panoramic photos. Even my 18mm lens isn’t wide enough for me these days. I’ve been shooting these with the 18mm turned vertically and have been doing anywhere between five to fifteen photos in the panorama. I am also doing these handheld, but am making sure to rotate around the camera keeping it in the same position in space. I might pick up a panoramic tripod head at some point, but I get a lot more flexibility by hand and haven’t had any problems stitching them together. I am definitely enjoying the panoramas and will be keeping them in my tool belt.